SKID System

The metering Skid is an operational process application that offers the customer significant time and cost savings by combining modular parts into a single unit. Skid, also called skid system or measuring skid, is especially used in the petrochemical field. It is possible to transfer fuel, petroleum and its derivatives (petroleum, natural gas, gas oil, diesel, jet fuel, LGP) from ship to port and/or from port to ship via Skid systems produced by Enelsan, and to test the accuracy of the MID sealed meters used during this transfer. This application consists of pipes, valves, pumps, flow meters, meters, measuring instruments, PLC and flow computers. There are some standards that must be followed while measuring. These standards are generally related to the measurement quality, the security level of the measurement device against explosion, leakage, and the margin of error of the measurement. Enelsan Skid systems meet all these standards at a professional level with more than 40 years of instrument experience and reliable quality, and also provides up-to-date mechanical and electronic calibration of Skid systems produced according to European Standards. In this way, the error margin of the system is minimized and continuity in measurement reliability is achieved. Enelsan offers the right solution in terms of price-performance by choosing the most suitable value components for your process with its engineering knowledge and experience. Applications that can be filled and discharged using the skid system: - Boat – Tanker – Jet Fuel – Wagon – Pier Lines – LPG, LNG Lines – All Tanks If desired, Enelsan can also integrate injection and blending systems into Skid systems.